reefmat 1200

  1. DakotahSteel

    Reefmat working too well?

    Hey everyone, I’ve had a RS 1200 reefmat since the tank was wet back in July. Ever since I’ve been battling nonexistent nitrates and phosphates. When I say nonexistent I truly mean zero and that’s with a medium sized fish load and multiple feedings per day. I started to dose for nitrates about...

    Bashsea Sump Plumbing Reefmat 1200

    Hello, I've had a Redsea Reeftmat for almost a year now with my Bashsea Smart Series Sump 36". The drains on the Bashea Sump are 1 1/2" so I've always just shoved the flexible tubing of the reefmat into the drain pipe of the sump and its work fairly well. However, I just want to clean up the...
  3. F

    Jammed ReefMat 1200

    ReefMat 1200 troubleshooting for a Jam. I have mentioned in my build thread that the space in the cabinet of my RS XXL 625 was tight-fitting for the ATO, recommended Skimmer and recommended ReefMat. After performing minor maintenance for a clogged ATO tube/float, I caused the ReefMat to Jam...
  4. Mafoo

    Reefmat 1200 - auto advance

    Hi All First time posting but have been in the hobby on and off for about 20 years. Have set up a Cade 1500 with a Red Sea Reef Mat 1500. My question is: 1) How high does the water level need to be to trigger the auto advance? Does it have to touch the sensor? It’s been plugged in for almost...
  5. psumms

    Reefmat roll change - stupid question?

    Possible stupid question warning! Changing the roll on my ReefMat 1200 for the second time... The first time, it was a real battle to get the dirty roll off, as I installed the new roll and examined the two oval bars, assumed I just wasn't doing it right! Now the second time around and I'm stuck...
  6. RickysReef2022

    Reefmat 1200 setup #2 error

    Hi, I have a ReefMat 500 and 1200. The 1200 keeps coming up with a setup error #2. It tells my to check filter roll install and etc. Everything looks perfect Anyone else have this issue or any ideas on what could be the issue
  7. Chee-tomorpha

    Build Thread Reefer Peninsula 500 and Red Sea Ecosystem

    Hello fellow reefers! This is my first ever post and will also be a build post too. A little intro about me. I started getting into reefing about 8 years ago, before that I was into freshwater aquariums and kept angelfish, had some breeding projects as well. I got interested in reefing after my...