
  1. Neffly4u

    Build Thread Reefer 350. Going bigger!

    I originally purchased an Aquatop Recife 40 AIO to start my reefing journey. It was planned that when the new house was finished and I needed to break down the tank it was the perfect time to get into a bigger tank. I started off wanting a Reefer 250 but when realizing the 350 included more tank...
  2. T

    Build Thread New Reefer 350 Build & Custom Plumbing!

    Hi Guys! Just bought and assembled a new RedSea Reefer 350, with a V3 sump! I have a lot of plans for the tank, and put together an initial video documenting my progress: I am planning to custom plumb the Clarisea 5000 and will document that in a new video as well, for anyone who is...
  3. P

    Build Thread Reefer 350 build from a beginner

    Hi Guys, So my Red Sea Reefer 350 Deluxe arrived two weeks ago and I've been fairly busy since then getting it set up and ready for its first livestock. Thought I'd start a build thread, share some pics and get some advice along the way because I'm sure I'm going to need it! Equipment wise I...
  4. Dloy90

    Reefer 350 refugium

    Evening folks, I am wanting to add a refugium to my red sea reefer 350 sump but don't want to get rid of the ATO. I just added bio balls today which I want to keep as well but this leaves no room as far as I can see for a fuge. The photo below has rock but that will come out so that's not the...
  5. Dloy90

    New guy with a Reefer 350

    Hi, My name is Dale, from Scotland. In March I picked up my fish ever aquarium! Never even had a gold fish bowl when i was younger. Go big or go home I suppose! I have until now been fully reliant on youtube, my LFS ( who are excellent ) and facebook pages for advice and help but am growing...
Ultimate Corals