reefer xxl 750

  1. ThriftyOregon

    Build Thread Red Sea REEFER XXL 750 Build Thread with Shadowbox

    Recent Update 5/31/19 Recent Update 4/8/19 - Shadowbox installed, tank filled -----ORIGINAL POST------ Hey guys! First time poster here but I've been reading Reef2Reef for years and most everything I've learned about this hobby was from you all. Build threads have been so helpful for me to...
  2. Epic Aquaculture

    Build Thread Sawcjack's Red Sea Reefer 750 XXL Build

    Good day peoples! So I’ve been in the hobby for a while, and some old timers may remember my coral farm – North Star Corals (if anyone has frags from my babies, please message me as I’d like to get some of them in my new setup), but this will be my first tank build thread. So back in the day...
  3. Broadfield

    Show Off and Discuss Your Red Sea Reefer Series

    Now that the Red Sea Reefer series tanks are getting more common in hobbyist's homes, I thought it would be nice to have a one-stop place to share and discuss them. I love mine and I think it's one of the nicest setups for the money. It's far less expensive than an Elos and even cheaper than...