reef tank equipment lighting coral

  1. K

    Ai Hydra 32 for 50g

    Hi! I recently upgraded to a Waterbox 50.3 and was wondering if an Ai Hydra 32 would be a sufficient Light source? I’m planning on having a mixed aquarium with lots of sps, lps and soft corals. Will the Ai Hydra 32 have enough coverage for the corals to thrive? or should I go for two smaller...
  2. bert236

    Looking for advice

    Hello everyone, looking to start my first tank. After some research and a bit of discussion on here I’m leaning towards a 40 gallon breeder. Through a couple local stores I should be able to get the cost to start the tank minus the lights for around $800-900CAD. I don’t want to waste money on...
  3. Clyde Nowlan

    75 Gallon Reef Setup for Sale, St. Augustine, FL

    For Sale is my 100 gallon Reef setup. I have been extremely successful with coral and fish in this tank for the last 6 years. See photos and links below for videos of the tank full of coral and fish. I recently got a bigger tank so I am letting this one go. Everything has been cleaned and...