reef tank cycle

  1. N

    EMERGENCY Cycling a new reef tank

    i’ve been cycling my tank for about 5-7 weeks i just tested my nitrites about 3-4 days ago because they were high for a while but i also tested nitrates to see if i had any in the tank and there was a high level of nitrates as well. I Just tested again today after a few days now my nitrites are...
  2. ReefStache

    How do you cycle a reef tank?

    Share your reef tank cycle tips in the comments. I chose to cycle with AlgaeBarn’s Nitrocycle, PNS Substrate Suace by Hydrospace LLC and Fritz’s Turbo Start 900. I also added CaribSea Fiji Pink Aragonite Live Sand and MarinePure Ceramic Cubes for more surface area for beneficial bacteria to...