#reef squad

  1. D

    Curious on stocking for 24 gallon display!

    So, long story short, I’m looking for ideas on what I can add to my tank as far as fish goes! It’s a 24 gallon display aio - I have a skimmer + fuge and do weekly 20% water changes to give a little insight on the filtration. In the first chamber I run floss, chemipure blue and a LOT of bio...
  2. 1epauletteshark

    EMERGENCY Juvenile yellow banded possum wrasse not looking too good please help!

    My best little friend is looking really really bad. She was swimming near the surface and sitting sideways on top of the cord of my filter and when I touched her with something she quickly got up and swam away to another spot to do the same thing and not moving, I have put her in my makeshift QT...
  3. L

    Fluval evo 13.5 (first reef tank)

    This is my first reef tank and I have just began my cycle. The setup is fully stock but I plan on getting a i tank filter basket, and a power head in the near future. Do any other evo owners have stocking recommendations for my set up. Preferably beginner level fish and I am steering clear of...
  4. Reef.Blue

    Pygmy Angel for 40 breeder?

    Hey guys! I was going to go to my LFS tomorrow to pick up a Pygmy angel for my tank. I currently have a 10g qt tank that is a littler older than a month with 2 clowns. I also have a 40 breeder that I am in the process of setting up. Will the Pygmy angel get along with my clowns? Thanks!