reef safe

  1. CincyReefer07

    What’s the likelihood this Glue is reef safe??

    I feel absolutely terrible and a little annoyed. Got my dad involved in a diy acclimation box build for my tank. We got all the pieces cut, drilled a bunch of holes in the acrylic. And he was off work that week and asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and glue it together for me while he was...
  2. aquatic engineer

    Illinois Live Goods Reef safe, mature fish for sale

    Moving out of state to a house with no room for my 150G tank. Selling entire set up, but need to sell fish and inverts first to break down the tank. If interested in the full setup, I will have another listing of all that equipment under the Drygoods Selling section. All fish have been with...
  3. shawnriv

    Reef Safe Angelfish: Lamarck Angelfish or Swallowtail Angelfish?

    Which Angelfish would be better for my tank? I have a 120G SPS dominated tank. I am considering adding an angel and was originally interested in the Lamarck since they seem to be relatively inexpensive. Recently, I discovered they are considered "large" angelfish. After doing some research on...
  4. Adam1985

    Trigger ID - Please Helo

    Hi all, Can anyone help me ID this trigger and also comment if it’s reef safe (with caution) like a niger trigger would be, or not reef safe? Thanks! Adam
  5. S

    Reef safe acrylic dye

    Hello everyone, I recently designed a waterproof camera housing that you can 3D print. I’ll be uploading the files once I am able to fine tune the lens filter. I am also working on a more compact V2 that can hold a higher quality camera module but not sure when that will be done. Currently, I...
  6. J

    Worm Id hitchhiker

    I found this worm in my tank a week or so ago. I decided to pull it out tonight to get a better look at it. I don’t think it’s a bristle worm. I’m worried it may be a bobbit worm of some sort. Can someone ID? And tell if it’s dangerous or not. Thanks.
  7. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  8. AllAmericanReefs

    Pistol shrimp attacking corals

    Hi, i just got my first two corals for the tank this week and my pistol shrimp has went after both so far. The first was the hammer coral because it was in the sand bed so the shrimp didn’t like that I assume. Then today he attacked the zoas and knocked them over. I’m not sure what I should do...
  9. WheatToast

    What are the completely "reef-safe" crabs? Are they even a thing?

    The crabs I will be considering include the true crabs (Brachyura) and some "crabs" from Anomura, including hermit crabs (Paguroidea) and porcelain crabs (Porcellanidae). Horseshoe crabs (Limulidae) will be excluded. Over the years, I have heard mixed reports on how "reef-safe" crabs are in the...
  10. Ariahsart

    Chocolate Chip Starfish and Coral

    Hello I am new to this forum, I'm not exactly new to the hobby (almost a year in) but am when it comes to corals. I was convinced to get some coral however I have two chocolate Chip Starfish. My first basically lives on my filter or the glass and never touches the ground, and my new one...

    Marine weld

    Hi is marine weld reef safe when fully cured…. Got a new magnet with a dimple in the epoxy…. Wanted to cover it.. thanks
  12. B

    UV sterilizer in a reef setup?

    Hello all, I’ve been having trouble with algae blooms during the day when my lights turn on and I have a UV sterilizer that was part of a yard sale bundle I got a few years back. I was wondering if anyone has tried this before and if it’s reef safe. My main concern is nitrifying bacteria but...
  13. 2manyideas

    Build Thread 75 gal. stocking help

    I am helping my friend decide on a stocking list for his new tank. He is upgrading from a 36 gallon bowfront to a 75 gallon. The 75 is equipped with a sump. The fish he is moving from the 36 to the 75 once it is cycled are a 8-10 inch snowflake eel and a rust angel. The tank was just filled and...
  14. damsels are not mean

    Any experience with Biota's CAPTIVE coral beauties?

    Wanting to gauge the reef-safeness of captive coral beauties. Since they are tank born and raised, they will never have seen a coral before nor known it as food. Biota says they won't pick at corals unless they are poorly fed. I love what they are doing over there but I don't buy it :D. If...
  15. Adam1985

    Are these harmless or problematic?

    Hi all, In relation to ticked off corals from time to time, coupled with being able to sleep late and wake up late (vacation for the holidays), I’ve been looking at my tank more at night, i.e. during total darkness. I noticed quite a large population of these, and they seem to be congregating...

    Ferrite magnets

    Hi are ferrite magnets reef safe with no eproxy or rubber around them? cheers
  17. O

    Pistol shrimp reef safe?

    Are pistol shrimps actually safe for other livestock in the tank? Was supposed to buy a goby and pistol pair but went with a goby only since I read some that it killed their snails and shrimps. Now I'm actually planning to get one for the watchman goby. currently have 2 clownfish, 3 Nasarius...
  18. Isaac_Tang

    Flame Angel

    Hey Guys, so I’ve never had an Angel before and I’m not interested in the Coral Beauty but more the Flame Angel. I know they’re more on the Reef Safe with caution side and I do plan on purchasing through World Wide Coral if I decide to get one so I know it’s going to be an ORA and not wild...
  19. S

    Help deciding on new fish addition!

    Hello, I’ve recently taken a liking to the saddle Valentini puffer. My question is if it would be happy at home in my tank. My tank is a 32 gallon biocube with mixed corals from sps to softies and a GBTA. Only nails are Tonga nassarius snails and trochus snails. I also have a cleaner shrimp...
  20. JosephNg

    IDs and reef compatibility with corals and inverts

    Hi folks, can you please name these two circled anthias? Are they reef safe as well? Because one of the local members sent us a video of the lighter colored one picked up on softies but I heard anthias were supposed to be reef safe and beginner-friendly. Cheers!
  21. E

    Ultra life blue green stain remover

    I just purchased this to treat my reef tank but now that I read the pictures it doesn’t say reef safe, does anyone know if this is reef safe or safe for corals? I have used the red slime one but not this one I don’t know if it makes a difference or not
  22. Muffin87

    Red Serpent Starfish, ophioderma squamosissimus, reef safe or not? (nano fish, coral, clams)

    Could someone who's had a red serpent stafish in a reef tank chime in with their insight? I'd really appreciate it :) I found this old thead about it, but it's vague. It's unclear if there are multiple species of red serpent starfish, and if they are all reef safe. I just ordered a Red Serpent...
  23. Underwater Passion

    Cleaning an old storage drum

    So I snagged a used 200 to 250 gallon storage drum for free. The person getting rid of it had bought the house and the old owner had left it there. The only thing he knew was that the owner owned a detergent making company and probably used it to store chemicals in it. Is there ANY way to...
  24. S

    30 gallon reef fish suggestion

    I have a 30 gallon tank with some corals and a 20 gallon refugium. I currently have 2 clown fish and a diamond goby, and was thinking about adding 1 or 2 more fish. Since the clowns are always in the water column, and the goby is always on the sand, I was wanting to get a fish that will swim...
  25. Foxchase

    Wrasse suggestion

    Are there any wrasse that would be reef and invert safe? I do have shrimp.
Black Label Aquatics