reef jar

  1. F

    Nano Build Fulltang's long journey to a custom 3 gallon jar

    I'd like to preface this by saying that I'm a DIYer at heart and I enjoy that process. I'm sure that much of what you see here could have been avoided by going with a small AIO tank, but I wanted to do something different. We'll see if this backfires as it's my first reef tank, but fingers...
  2. Casket_Case

    Nano Build Frigus Reef’s R E E F J A R

    Good evening, The other day I found about reef jars. And I’ve decided I’m gonna take a break from big aquariums and go with a reef jar for now :) This is the jar: If you look closely you’ll see there is in fact a jar, inside of this jar, so you could call this build a JarJar. But don’t do that...
  3. Blitz7737

    Nano Build Mr. Bubbles the 1 Gallon Pico Jar (NOW 2 GALLON!!!) [[now 10 g!!]]

    New member to the site and also new to the reef hobby! My cute gf agreed to start the journey with me and we have pulled together our very first mini ocean. We named him Mr. Bubbles. He has had quite the rocky start, evolving from a jar of icky water to a super adorable little tank. We started...