reef factory

  1. Jackada

    Reef factory Power Switcher Wi Fi connection error and solution

    I recently bought two power switchers from Reef factory. I was available to connect with the power switch itself, find my own Wi Fi and enter the password. I also entered my Reef factory account details. However when I clicked on the ‘connect’ button, the power switch did not appear after 5...
  2. argiBK

    Has anyone ordered from

    How have folks’ experience ordering online from @Reef Factory USA been? (edited to @ the proper account on R2R) I placed an order for a KH Keeper Plus, doser and a few other accessories 5 days ago and haven’t received any sort of communication/confirmation from them about the order, not to...
  3. CasperOe

    KH Keeper Plus - Reagent / Waste container size

    So, I went for a KH Keeper Plus for my new reef tank and it should be here any day! :star-struck: I struggle to find out how much reagent is used and how much waste water is generated in order to size my dosing containers accordingly. What are your experiences with this? I will be testing...
  4. AquaNerd

    Check out a new WiFi addressable product from Reef Factory

    Visit the AquaNerd blog to learn more.
Printed Reef - Custom Reef Accessories