reef aquarium medicine

  1. Cfellini91

    Coral Beauty Angel Fish Eye Popping and Cloudy

    Last night I noticed that my Coral Beauty Angel Fish has one eye that is swollen and looks as if it is going to pop out. It is cloudy and looks like a cloudy white slime is over it. I did a 5 gal WC last night. It seems that it wouldn't be Popeye because it is only one eye. I just got home...
  2. Keeping Your Marine Fish Healthy, Part 3: The Reef Aquarium Medicine Cabinet Continued

    Intermediate Topic Keeping Your Marine Fish Healthy, Part 3: The Reef Aquarium Medicine Cabinet Continued

    A sick Yellow Tang. Photo from the Reef2Reef archives. As I mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2, we have in our forum, an excellent area for the discussion of fish disease, treatment, and diagnosis. Our venerable Humblefish even created a “sticky” thread (one that stays permanently on top) called...
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