redsea reefled50

  1. jseg0

    Bubble Tip Acclimation Lighting Questions

    Hi everyone, I have recently added an SRBTA to my 20 gallon AIO. The nem looked healthy when receiving shipment and did well during the acclimation process and has found itself a nice spot in the rocks. I have a RedSea ReefLED50 and will attach a photo of my lighting schedule below. I’m a little...
  2. Zhill731

    Redsea 50 light cycle 24 gal cube

    Hi all! First time reefer here. I have a 24 gal Aquatop AIO cube with a Redsea ReefLed 50 I was wondering what light cycle and intensities you recommend. looking to have clowns & anemone, along with Zoas & other coral as well