Well the journey starts here. 11/29/2021
I've done Freshwater Planted Tanks on and off for 20 plus years now but the kid won a bet with me and made me promise to do a reef tank. And since I can't break a promise ;-) ...
I wanted a Reefer S850 but I could not make the numbers work so I put my...
Hi, selling my Red Sea S-650 Max complete setup. It includes everything you need. 2 sets of lights. The original T5 setup and the new LED light system. Also includes custom screen top from Octo-Aquatics. NYSE Skimmer. 2x Ecotech Vectra M1 Pumps. 2x Ecotech MP40’s. Will also add 10 bags of salt...
I am slowly starting my build of Red Sea Max S650. I was in the right place, at the right time, and had an opportunity to buy this tank lightly used. I love, how this tank and lights stand looks like.
I will heavily customize the tank's equipment to fit my goals.
First, my tenants for...