red sea max nano

  1. M

    Red sea desktop (max nano) ATO overfilling tank

    Hello, I've just setup my red sea desktop ATO however i dont think it's working right. I believe the water level in the return pump section of the tank (where the ATO bulb is) is too low causing the ATO to keep filling up the tank too much. The other section of the filtration chamber just fills...
  2. Trevor Paden


    I recently dosed magnesium like an idiot since I got hair algae and someone more experienced said magnesium allows more species of algae to grow so hair algae will get out competed. So I dosed 4ml of fritz RPM mag. I am unsure if before or after the mag spike is when the hammer started acting...
  3. Drakal

    Algae scrubber for RedSea Max Nano, is this going to work ?

    Hi averyone, So i had a ball of chaeto in my main tank for few moths, but it died due, i think, to the lack of light with coral growth, so i wanted to add a little "refugium" in my Max Nano (and i had my 1st nutrient spike because of the chaeto dying, i think) so i bought a Tunze Eco Chic and...
  4. Mellotang

    New York Aquariums Drygoods Red Sea Max Nano + LI NY

    Red Sea max nano 20 gallon White Red Sea 50 Light Skimmer ATO Heater Test kit Mp10 Live rock GSP, leather coral, polyps $550 Pickup Babylon LI
  5. adsf430

    New Red Sea Max Nano Skimmer

    Red Sea claims the new max nano skimmer is quieter. Does anyone know where I can buy the new one to replace mine?
  6. dabroli

    Nano Build 26 gallon Red Sea MAX nano peninsula, Caribbean build

    My local fish store had the desktop version of the aquarium for sale at a cheap $350 so I couldn’t resist. Unfortunately had to source some of the parts online to match the actual full package that’s been sold out everywhere. As I wait for all the parts to come in I’ll start a build thread and...
  7. Remy_the_Knife

    Red Sea max Nano return pump upgrade?

    Hey everyone. I have a Max Nano 20g and was wondering if anyone has any experience upgrading the return pump to a DC pump that can be controlled? I emailed Red Sea asking about the return area dimensions but oddly they told me they didn’t have that info available and I should just measure it...
  8. A

    Illinois Aquariums Drygoods SOLD Red Sea max nano

    Red Sea max nano comes with AI prime 16hd Heater Wavemaker Skimmer ATO 4 filter socks All you need is water and rock to get started. Located in Aurora il
  9. discovermarine

    Red Sea Warranty

    I just purchased a Red Sea Max Nano and it arrived with several scuffs to the glass and plastic. I contacted Red Sea on Monday and on Friday I receive a new system! Which is so good! Bit of a weird one, but has anyone had a replacement Red Sea Max Nano? Do you get the original box or a blank...
  10. JayFish4004

    Red Sea Max Nano return pump took a few tries to kick back on?

    I had a weird issue occur just now - I turn my return pump on my Red Sea Max Nano off every day for around 30-45min to feed the mandarins. When I went to turn it back on today it wouldn’t switch back on - I tried turning it off and on ensuring I pressed on hard in case it was a button issue to...
  11. Jonify

    Nano Build Jonathan's Red Sea MAX NANO Bobbit Worm Recovery Therapy

    Launching a belated build thread as I jumped to stage 2 of my previous "Jonathan's Bobbit Recovery" build thread's 3-tank build plan and never started a new build thread. ;Nailbiting It's going to be a while before I jump to the last stage of my build plan as this current tank needs to be...
  12. T

    I’ve found peace.

    After years of lurking here and on multiple subreddits, watching and learning, I’ve finally pulled the trigger and gotten my first tank up and running. I don’t think I could be happier. I have a Red Sea Max Nano, I’ve recently completed the cycle and begun stocking. I have a black ice clown...
  13. T

    Picked up a used Red Sea Max NANO 20g and have a couple questions

    Howdy! As stated in the title, proud owner of a new Max Nano. Filled it with freshwater to check all of the systems. Pumps appear to be working fine so will drain and buy some RO/DI saltwater from the LFS and some live sand and rock to get started! A couple questions though: 1) What is the...
  14. nato

    Nano Build Red Sea Max Nano - Long time Reader First time poster

    Hello every one I've been a long time reader, but am a first time poster. I've had my Red Sea Max Nano setup for nearly a year now.I've had my ups and downs...lost some corals, lost some fish. The water parameters have always been pretty stead, nothing much to note apart from consistently low...
  15. JayFish4004

    ReefLED 50 in Red Sea Max Nano

    I am having the hardest time finding anything online about optimal LPS light intensity on my ReefLED 50 in a Red Sea Max Nano. I’ve seen the thread where people post their settings - and the consensus I get is I should stick to around 60% - although I have no PAR meter so Im stuck wondering if...
  16. JayFish4004

    Rate a noob’s nano tank

    First time reefer - finally got some iphone lenses to offset the 20k lights, so sharing a quick vid. Would love any advice or feedback on the tank - ideas welcome! Tank is a 4 month old Red Sea Max Nano with Tunze ATO, Trigger Systems reservoir, Tunze wavemaker, InkBird + Eheim heater, ReefLED...
  17. JayFish4004

    EMERGENCY How would you handle seeing 1 flatworm?

    Hi all! I am running a 20g Red Sea Max Nano and have 7 coral, 2 fish and 2 sh. Today when feeding I noticed a flatworm on my hammer coral. I have only seen a total of 1 - but I’m sure there are more. Tank params: Age: 4 months Ph: 8 Alk: 9.7 Nitrate: 16ppm (doing another water change this...
  18. adsf430

    Red Sea Max Nano Circulation and Skimmer Pumps

    Both of them have now broken within a year and a half about a couple months apart. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  19. C

    New Tank Fishless Cycle Issues

    Hi Everyone, Long time lurker on this forum and recently got into the hobby (5 weeks marine, but 2 years freshwater). I set up my Red Sea Nano Max 75L 5 weeks ago with the included protein skimmer, Red Sea live sand, a couple of dry rocks, Marine Pure filter media spheres, and RODI water with...
  20. TigerReef

    Hello Somebody's Mother Bought Two Tanks!

    Hello all! So, I purchased my first saltwater tank, a Red Sea Max Nano, in late September. And then... on Black Friday, I treated myself to a Red Sea Reefer 300XL! The little guy: And the big guy: I just wanted to post and tell you all thank you so much for all of the advice...
  21. adsf430

    Light Settings in a Red Sea Max Nano Mixed Reef

    Hey all, Would Really appreciate some help. I have the redsea max nano tank and the 50W light that comes with it. Tank is an 18" cube. I currently have it set to 70% blue 0% white. It's a very mixed tank without acros but has digitatas, stylos, birdnest, montis, etc. on top and zoas...
  22. subielover

    New Jersey Pennsylvania Sold

    Selling my Red Sea Max Nano including black stand. Tank comes the way it came when I bought it brand new about 3 years ago. AI Prime HD, Red Sea skimmer, sicce return pump (added RFG included), will also include heater. Just add rock and water! Tank has a couple light scratches from getting the...
  23. P

    Red Sea Max Nano

    I have a Red Sea Max nano for sale has some coral and livestock and a mp10 vortech wavemaker and a ton of extra stuff. I’m not willing to pardon with the vortech individually unless all the coral gets sold.The tank itself needs a cleaning with a lot of algae the photos of the clean tank is to...
  24. Jackedwyer

    Bare Bottom Red Sea Nano Max

    Hi! I’m in the middle of getting everything ready for my SPS Dominant tank and unsure what I should do... I’ve decided I want to run it bare bottom to help with the flow within such a small aquarium but I’m unsure if I should get 1 or 2 MP10’s. What do you think would be best? Would 1 be good...
  25. Eric Wadle

    Build Thread Red Sea Max Nano

    I am currently running a Red Sea Max Nano but have a reef savvy 225 on the way! So this has to hold me over until it arrives. For now its basically a frag tank for when the 225 is set up. Ill keep you guys posted with pics and videos as it progresses. Here is a video of what I got so far. Any...