red sea coral pro salt

  1. J

    Red Sea coral Pro salt

    I was told from a family to switch my salt and I think I may regret it. I’m switching from reef crystal to Red Sea pro salt. My tank is LPS & softies dominated and after research I found out that RSCP have high ALK. Would my tank be fine? What should I do?
  2. dvlpr

    Build Thread My first marine tank journey (G'day from Australia)

    I'll use this thread to keep notes for my future self and maybe somebody will find something useful in here as well. A short intro - I only got into this hobby (aquariums in general that is) around September 2018 and bought my first large (240L) tank December that same year. Spent a few...
  3. Aqua Splendor

    Red Sea Coral Pro Mix : Lesson learned!

    Hello there! I recently had a nightmare recently with my salt and I did this video to help people no matter what brand you use, I hope it won't happen to you, lesson learned! Some tips people give me: Use a Paint Mixer Turn your bucket upside down for couple minute If you have more let's...