red sea 625

  1. C

    Advice on selling my full set up? :(

    Title says it all. I just started in the hobby about 6 weeks ago, and then had an unexpected and serious job change. I'm feeling super overwhelmed, and definitely don't have the time or ability to maintain the brand new system like I need to. To add to it, I went all in on a Red Sea Reefer...
  2. Soilworker

    Build Thread Soilworker's Red Sea Reefer 625 G2 Build

    Soilworker's Red Sea Reefer 625 G2 System Volume: 164g Updated: 8/9/2022 Older FTS 8/3/2022 6/30/2022 6/21/2022 Background My first reef tank was over 12 years ago. I had a small 10 gallon reef tank in college that did alright but it was just far too small to be successful and I...
  3. ajtomase

    Gate valve for Red Sea Reefer 625/750?

    So...I've got no clue what I'm doing when it comes to plumbing, but I want to replace the diaphragm valve with a gate valve system. Does anyone know what parts I need to get for either a Red Sea Reefer 625 or 750?
  4. ajtomase

    Red Sea Reefer integrated ATO swap out

    I'm looking at either the Red Sea Reefer 625 or the 750 which come with an integrated ATO system and reservoir. Is there a way to remove the integrated ATO and switch it to a Tunze system instead and use an external reservoir instead? Is there instructions on how to change those items? I've been...
  5. ajtomase

    Build Thread Red Sea Reefer 625 or 750 v3

    Hi everyone, I'm still on the fence about getting either a Red Sea Reefer 625 or 750 v3. Anyone prefer one over the other? I know bigger is usually better, but wanted to double check since I've heard some sketchy things about the 750...
Reef Diaper