red rea reef mature

  1. G

    4 day cycle?

    Purchased Red Sea Max Nano aquarium. Started cycle 4 days ago. Using Red Sea Reef Mature Starter Kit. Used live sand and two large live rocks from LFS. On day 4, Ammonia 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate 5. Seems to me it is cycled. If so, do I continue the cycle recipe in the Ref Mature manual? Or...
  2. gustavviklund

    Red Sea Reef Mature – something feels wrong...

    I am on day 14 of using Red Sea's Reef Mature program and I feel like something isn't right. First of all, I haven't had any algae at all and the manual said I should expect it to appear around day 3-4. Total ammonia is at 0.2, nitrite at 0.4 and nitrate 50. pH is a little low as well (7.8). If...
  3. Apayson

    Red Sea Reef Mature vs Dr Tim's One and Only

    Hi there, is the Red Sea Reef Mature Starter Kit & Dr Tim's One and Only manufactured to do the same thing? I'm wondering if it's a waste to have all of these products. Does the Red Sea Reef Mature Starter Kit place the need for Dr Tim's One and Only + Vibrant (which removes algae) Would love...
  4. M

    Cycling with livesand, bacteria starter or both?

    Hi, I am about to start running a new 100g reef and I want to move my fish and corals as soon as possible from my red sea 130. The question is about efficiency in cycling. I already bought substrate ocean direct original grade from caribsea because of the bactérias. But I am analyzing two...