red hair algae

  1. leotigris

    Is this cyno? How do I get rid?

    Hello Reefers, I’ve got this red carpet like thing taking over my tanks (see pics). It started off brown so I got a Mexican Turbo Snail which seemed to be doing a good job. Now it’s turned to a red carpet and some parts have really long green grass type things growing. Not sure what it is...
  2. Oceansinmybasement

    Help identifying algae

    Looking for some help and advice identifying an algae that seems to be popping up throughout my tank. I recently had what I am almost certain to have been cyano bacteria, appeared like a red/purple carpet over sand and some rocks and easily brushed away, and I had dinoflagellates. I believe...
  3. Fish_Sticks

    #1 WHAT IF I TOLD YOU... Ammonia is causing your algae problems?

    After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you keep believing that nitrate and phosphate are the cause of your algae problems. You take the red pill - I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This image was created by @Fish_Sticks, ©2019, All Rights...
Tank Stop