
  1. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    UV Sterilizer Broke. Do I need it?

    So I have a 125g tank and was wondering if I should have a uv sterilizer if I quarantine my fish and fallow my tank. And if so, what wattage would be ideal as well as flow rate for parasites and flukes for my tank. I would assume 20 watts with a flow rate of around 125 gph? Also what are some...
  2. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Live Aquaria's terrible customer service.

    I made a mistake in purchasing a checkerboard/marble wrasse and wanted to cancel it an hour or 2 after purchasing at around 10:30pm last night. I sent them a message stating this and this is the response I woke up to on my birthday.So... Basically the order didn't ship at the time of this...
Tank Stop