
  1. N

    Help! Hammer is receding!

    I recently picked up this hammer and have found that it is receding. Do you think there's any hope for its survival? Do you think an iodine dip would help?
  2. Cantusaurus

    Euphyllia starting to randomly recede...? Not sure why... :(

    Hi, I am pretty concerned right now. My 5 head Pink Hammer I got about 1.5 months had lost one head last week. I cut off the head, and dipped it, but it continued to worsen and died. Then recently I noticed my little octospawn I got at the same time is starting to show a bit of skeleton. It...
  3. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  4. dtruitt

    Has anyone compiled a guide on tissue recession or bleaching patterns and their likely causes?

    We are recovering (I hope) from a mini crash resulting from an out of calibration refractometer, bad RODI water, and consequences of those two core problems. Most of the acropora casualties make sense. Low salinity + alk swings = dead acro. We lost a platygyra (again...), and a chalice. The...