
  1. Trevor Paden


    I recently dosed magnesium like an idiot since I got hair algae and someone more experienced said magnesium allows more species of algae to grow so hair algae will get out competed. So I dosed 4ml of fritz RPM mag. I am unsure if before or after the mag spike is when the hammer started acting...
  2. TbSaysNo

    Euphyllia slowly dying (?).

    Another thread before the incident started with info on what may have caused it I got it 8 days ago, at first it okey, then after about 2 days it looked super great. Then 2...
  3. Trahs

    Digi slowly receding at the tip.

    This has been in my tank for a few weeks now. I blew over it with a syringe so the polyps would close but it typically has full bright red polyp extension when undisturbed. Ponape and birds of paradise nearby are doing fine. I noticed this one started with some white skeleton exposed around the...
  4. J

    Help! Torch corals receding!

    Fish tank is almost a full year old and my torches has never looked fully healthy. Now they’re starting to lose heads. I have other LPS corals like hammers and Duncan’s and they’re fully healthy and growing. I’ve tried moving them around and messing with the flow with no good results. I’ve let...
  5. M

    Elegance Assistance - ECS?

    Hi All, Have an elegance in my 80g - 6 months old tank. Been in there for 3 months and fine until recently. Over the course of a few weeks it has slowly started to be more and more closed, starting with it closing up more at night and then progressing into the day as well. The tentacles are...
  6. X

    Lepto, Favia, and Cyphastrea Decline - Help Please!

    Hi, we’ve started noticing tissue recession in our 24k lepto and our cyphastrea which were previously doing really well, we also have a favia suddenly missing a chunk. In addition, a lot of our euphilia are not extending like they used to. Anyone seen this before or know what might be the...
  7. GoNextLevel

    EMERGENCY New York knicks receding majorly help

    Hello I have no idea why this is happening I have other torch corals in my tank but this is only happening to my NYK torch. I also noticed this strange thing on the bone structure of the torch you can see in the picture. I keep my corals under heavy blues ramping up and down throughout the day...
  8. TreyC2010

    LPS Receding.

    Happy Easter! I’ve had some recent bad luck. My LPS came in and were doing beautifully for quite a while, but within the last month or two they’ve obviously not done well. Tank params I’ve measured are Alk 8 (Hanna) Nitrate .2ppm (salifert) Salinity 1.025 I have a Fuge and it’s filthy. It’s...
  9. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  10. nanonøkk

    is my chalice coral receding

    ok so i just got home and my chalice coral looks to be receding but i can’t tell because it looks like it’s gotten closer to this ref dot on this frag plug but it could be receding in a few places so help would be appreciated but today it could be because i didn’t get a chance to top of the...
  11. ReeferWarrant

    Kryptonite Candy Cane shriveled and receding

    Getting worried about my Candy Cane, it is receding and starting to turn a brown color in the spots where the skeleton is exposed. I would just like to know if there is anything I can do to make it have a better chance of recovery. Parameters have been fairly stable for the past 2 months and...
  12. ReeferWarrant

    Candy Cane exposed skeleton/receded

    So I've had this green candy cane for 6 months, it used to have some pretty extreme polyp extension and now it just stays receded and no longer exposes its sweeper tentacles at night. I have another frag of a different kind of candy cane and it is getting massive compared to when I got it 3...
  13. B

    EMERGENCY Chalice receding and getting darker

    Hi, I need some serious guidance from all the chalice experts out there...I have a chalice that was doing fine for about a month and then about a couple of weeks ago it started to recede. I have tried moving it to a lower flow and shaded area but that didn’t seem to do anything and just looks...
  14. N11morales

    Hammer white spots

    Hello yesterday one if the heads had a small white dot. Didn’t think it could be anything. I’m new to Euphyllia so I’m not sure if this is normal. Today I looked the white spot is bigger and another spot popped up on another head. What is this??
  15. O

    Keep or Trash

    My tanks recovering from a bad time. I lost a lot of SPS to receding skin. My colony of red planet is 90% dead. Now that I’ve corrected the issue, the receding has stopped leaving 10% alive. I had something similar to this happen before and the red planet quickly recovered and grew of the dead...
  16. Jax15

    Zoas melting! Calling all zoa experts

    I have a mixed reef, about 100 gallon tank. My SPS and LPS, and evening soft corals seems to be happy campers. But my zoas have sat without growing for 6 months, and now seem to be receding. The skirt is thinning, not all are opening.. something is definitely wrong. Anyone experience similar or...
  17. 0utworld

    Rainbow Crush Chalice Tissue Necrosis

    Hi all, I recently had a Rainbow Crush Chalice shipped to me and placed at a shaded area in my 20g tank, following the appropriate acclimation procedures. When it arrived, I noticed a bit of skeletal exposure that wasn't on the catalog image. But I just thought it was typical shipping stress...
  18. Niels Verstappen

    Help!! my lobo is receding don’t really know the cause

    Alright something clearly isn’t right my Lobophyllia is receding at an alarming rate, others corals don’t show signs of receding or melting, but they did look a bit more pale than usual, my Staghorn coral tends to have a brown tint, which has me thinking if the nitrates and phosphate play a role...
  19. KadeSirin

    Branching Hammer Receding

    I've got this branching hammer frag, 3 heads so far, that used to do great on my frag rack but I moved the rack up. Then it started shriveling up and not extending. I've moved it to the opposite side of my tank and it's been there for the last 4 days now, but it's still like this. The area it's...