rbta spawning

  1. vaguelyreeflike

    Are rainbow anemones safe for fish to consume?

    Like what type of fish can/will eat them? Are they poisonous to fish when eaten?
  2. S

    Whats wrong with my RBTA? Is it dying?

    My RBTA did split 2 days back and yesterday I noticed this one with strange looking mouth. Whats wrong with it? I did water change yesterday.
  3. F

    RBTA Split and Fire Red Shrimp Molted Same Night. Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

    My Rose Bubble Tip Anemone has yet to have bubble like tentacles since I got it over a month ago. Shortly before receiving the anemone the previous owner told me it had split, mine being the mother. I got a fire red shrimp also about a month ago and it has molted three times already. Last...
  4. PinkLadyLVT

    Alabama Georgia Tennessee RBTA — Amazing, healthy turquoise-base rose bubble tips available!

    RBTA’s split and grow like crazy for me, and are always absolutely beautiful since I first bought their mother (which I still have, my gold nugget maroon clowns host there). These RBTA’s have amazing rich pink coloration with star speckling everywhere, and the base of the tentacles maintains a...
  5. sil40sx

    My RBTA Spawning

    Couple hours after the lights were off, I caught my anemone spawning. Poor fish, he’s confused and don’t know what’s going on. LOL Now, time for a water change in the middle of the night. Ugh