
  1. Eva Rose

    Safe Cleaning of Skimmer, Reactors, Pumps & Powerheads

    I have to clean my used skimmer, reactors, pumps & powerheads to prepare for a new tank. I have read improper soaks of vinegar/water can lead to power head magnet coating damage or pump damage (where pumps become much noisier). I realize that the RATIO is important and proper length of soak...
  2. kennedpa

    Ultimate Phosphate and energy control? Potassium Nitrate or Calcium Nitrate Dosing with NoPOx Carbon

    Let the reef science begin, We have been reefing for a few years now with a 10 month break due to moving. Always for the longest time we have had phosphate control issues with difficulty in obtaining a nitrate level despite heavy feedings. Some have dosed nitrates in various forms along with...
Reef Breeders