
  1. M

    Help dosing Red sea foundation A & B

    Hi all im need to reefing and have limited knowledge and know chemistry and water parameters work but i get the gist of it. background: information about my tank. Tank Size: 45 Gallon (running for 9 months) Salt mix tropic marine pro reef salt (weekly 12% water change @ 1.025 salinity) my...
  2. SilverCityReef

    RedSea Coral Pro Salt Mix Ratio

    Does anyone happen to know the salt to water mixing ratio for the RedSea Coral Pro salt? I quickly looked over the bucket but I don't see the measurements or ratio on there. I bought exactly enough for what I need, 55gal bucket, but I have to make two separate batches due to size of barrel.
  3. kennedpa

    Ultimate Phosphate and energy control? Potassium Nitrate or Calcium Nitrate Dosing with NoPOx Carbon

    Let the reef science begin, We have been reefing for a few years now with a 10 month break due to moving. Always for the longest time we have had phosphate control issues with difficulty in obtaining a nitrate level despite heavy feedings. Some have dosed nitrates in various forms along with...
Extreme Corals