
  1. R

    Kick ich and rally

    I have my hippo in a QT to treat for what seems to be ich. I have my other fish in the display and am worried they could develop ich as well. I picked up Kick ich and Rally. Has anybody used this in there display?
  2. HomeSlizzice

    QT and TTM plan while renting/limited space.

    Hi Everyone, I need some help planning my new QT and/or TTM method for fish in my tank. First off let me give you the bad new, heart breaking news.... I recently lost almost all of my fish to Velvet as of yesterday (PBT, Regal Angel, Potters Angel, Isosceles Wrasse, 2x Yellow Wrasse, and Royal...
  3. Sashaka

    Started Ruby Reef Products

    Ok, so I thought I might chronicle my experience using the Ruby Reef Products. I'm sure I will have a questions regarding dosing and/or length of treatment as I go, so feedback is most welcome! Treatments I have tried: Freshwater 5 minute dips, 2 rounds of PraziPro, CopperPower (on most fish)...
  4. Isaac Alves

    White "slime-coat" marks on Clown. Treated with Furan-2. Need help with ID.

    I need some help identifying if something is off with my little clown. He's in my second system and the display refugium now. I put him through a full duration of Furan-2 to address if the white skin mark was a slime coat issue or an infection from a wound. I just put him back after being in...
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