radion g6 xr15 blue

  1. J

    XR15 G6 on IM 25 Lagoon Settings

    Hello, Has anyone figured out the best settings for PAR and coloration on the above for a mixed tank? The Lagoon style is only 12" deep and the G6's seem very powerful.
  2. F


    I got a radion G6 XR15 blue back in September. The corals seem to be opening. But I haven’t seen growth from many if them. I dose 2ML of AB+ a day. not sure what this coral is anyone can help. any help or advice is helpful. TIA PS: the tank is running for about a 11 months now. The rock looks...
  3. A

    Radion G5, G6 or Neptune Sky??

    I am planning on upgrading my lights. Currently have Radion G5 Pros on my 150g corner tank. I'm all apex right now except for my MP40s and my G5s. Should I grab the upgrade kits and get my lights up to G6s or should I take the plunge and move to some Neptune Skys?? I have the Pros now...
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