
  1. rporter996

    Advice on QT tank

    I have a few questions on setting up a QT tank. Currently I have everything needed 10g tank HOB filter, couple of air stones, heater and a lid. I'm wondering if I should cycle the tank as I usually end up going to the fish store and come home with something so I would always like the tank to be...
  2. K

    Frustrated is an understatement. What am I doing wrong?

    I started my reef tank back in April and it has been nothing short of a nightmare from the get go. I added a pair of clowns to the tank a few days after the startup bacteria to help with the cycling process. I elected not to QT the fish since there was nothing else in there to contaminate at the...
  3. Singspot

    Sharing what worked for in QT, with 2 "expert-only" fishes (cowfish, quori parrotfish) and puffer and goatfish

    So I have struggled and learnt hard way .. sharing my success with QT. (I acknowledge r2r articles, my brother's inputs and my family's support and dealing with hours of me staring at my fiahes!) Outcome: My Quoyi is eating, swimming and happy! Cowfiah, puffer and goatfish are eating and...
Cultivated Reef