question of the day

  1. T

    What is the most weird thing your fish had eaten?

    What is the most weird thing you hv seen a fish had eaten? My freind had fed his fish banana! I mean seriously!
  2. C

    Blue hippo and orange shoulder

    Just looking for some opinions on an orange shoulder going with a blue hippo. The orange shoulder is 6” and the blue hippo is still a little guy and only 2-2.5”. Wondering how some people would recommend introducing the orange shoulder if it’s even recommended to add him. I have a 55 gal I could...
  3. polyppal

    What qualities do you view as being most important in Reefing?

    Just an interesting thought I had, what qualities would you view as being most important in Reefing? I know its a tough choice, but you can only select your top 3 options in the poll! Will be interesting to see with some data what we view as being most important! Equipment (Quality...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY What is this?

    So I’ve been trying to figure out what this is and I can’t figure it out! It just started growing in my tank one day and now it’s huge. I thought it was soft but it’s hard! Anyone know what it is?
  5. spiruni

    Seahorse compatability

    Hello everyone, I am thinking of setting up a 120G tank. I want to have a variety of fish and coral in there. Have you ever tried to put seahorses with other fish, and if yes what really happened. Do you think it would be a good idea to try it and add the sea horses first (after the tank...