
  1. Yourlocalreefer

    6-Line wrasse compatability

    Hello everyone, my 225-gallon tank has been up for quite some time and the only wrasse I have is a 6-Line but Im wanting to add more like a fairy wrasse or this pink one I saw at my LFS. What are your thoughts am I able to keep more or am I stuck with just the 6-line? I added a photo of the pink...
  2. H

    I need Help sick fish

    Hello I have a quick question and I come to r2r BC one everyone here is amazing much better ppl here on r2r then other forum sites! I would like your feed back on my sick koi, yes my freshwater koi! I been in the hobby for quite sometime now and I just got into keeping koi! the fish I got off...
  3. L

    Carbon types in RO/DI (UDF vs CTO)

    Planning to get a RO/DI unit What are the difference of UDF, CTO carbon block etc etc Is activated carbon allowed in RO/DI for salt water ?
  4. Matt Bravo

    New mangrove

    Hello I’ve just purchased a mangrove propague (I think that’s how it’s spelled) but I’m not sure if this placement is ok or if I should move it around and to where. Also what difficulties could I come across with it over time any advice is appreciated
  5. introvert.invert_hba

    how much (animals) is too much in 6g nano

    Hi! I have a 6g corner tank. I’m looking to make the ecosystem full circle. How much is too much for my tiny tank? I currently have a cleaner shrimp, Mexican turbo snail, red honey damsel and 3 Astrinia starfish. I haven’t seen the little starfish since I added them into the tank. The snail...
  6. W

    I am currently a senior in high school, I plan on going to college in the fall.

    I was wondering if it would be worth it to set up a 75 gallon reef tank at my current house, my parents said they would take care of it while I’m gone, or would it be smarter just to wait until I’m graduated and have my own place?
  7. xWascallyWabbit


    Good afternoon everyone. This is my first post. Although I've been lingering in the background for quite some time. I am preparing my build list for my first tank. Please take a moment and help me out with a few questions, I'd greatly appreciate it. First, size requirement and space look...
  8. 99problemsandatankisone

    Keeping life in a quarantine tank

    so you have a quarantine/hospital tank on standby, just empty waiting for fish new or old what keeps it cycled? You are now not adding ammonia (unless you just dose the whole time?) do you do water changes at regular intervals even with no fish? What is the process here? And how do you maintain...
  9. K

    How to get the most out of this sump space? (Photo attached)

    Hello, I have been reading some negative reviews on the current trickle down carbon pad and bio ball system that I am running. I know this isn't an ideal sump setup, but it's the only one I can fit underneath my corner tank. I'm just looking to get the absolute most out of this space. So I was...
  10. K

    Best setup for this style sump (Photos attached)

    Hello, I have been reading some negative reviews on the current trickle down carbon pad and bio ball system that I am running. I know this isn't an ideal sump setup, but it's the only one I can fit underneath my corner tank. I'm just looking to get the absolute most out of this space. So I was...
  11. K

    Stock list suggestions

    Hello, I'm in the process of reviving my old fowlr tank and trying to convert it to a reef tank. I see the general consensus is to now ignore the old "inch per gallon" rule when it comes to stocking the tank, so what is a realistic stock list of forgiving and hardy fish/corals/inverts for my...
  12. K

    Looking for stock list suggestions for my tank

    Hello, I'm in the process of reviving my old fowlr tank and trying to convert it to a reef tank. I see the general consensus is to now ignore the old "inch per gallon" rule when it comes to stocking the tank, so what is a realistic stock list of forgiving and hardy fish/corals/inverts for my...
  13. K

    Should I add start up bacteria?

    Hello, a few days ago I posted a thread asking how to revive my neglected aquarium. You guys all had such good advice and with some additional tips from my local LFS I am now heading the right direction again with the tank. Just to quickly recap I left my 54 gallon corner in my basement...
  14. K

    Is my live rock dead? (Photos attached)

    Hello, I have very regrettably neglected my fish tank after a big move for a year and I'm finally settled in and ready to get it back to its former glory. I have not been doing my usual amount of water changes and I understand the tank is in rough shape. All the equipment has been running, but...
  15. K

    Is my live rock dead? (Photos attached)

    Hello, I have very regrettably neglectedy tank after a big move. I have stored it in the basement for about a year now without as many water changes and care as I used to give it. Now that I have settled from my move I am looking to clean up and restart the tank to it's former glory. I have had...
  16. Meara

    UV Sterilizer

    Hello everybody; I’m looking for information about UV Sterilizers. I have recently gone through a ich nightmare, (I am in Canada and there is limited medication available it was truly brutal) and I am looking for things that may help me avoid this going forward. I was wondering if anyone has...
  17. oneilwiz

    High Nitrite during Fishless Cycle for Days

    Reef Tank Started with the following currently at Day 24 of the fishless cycle, Should I do a water change if the Nitrite is measuring 5PPM and above for 8+ days while Ammonia drop to 0ppm. Temp: 80 Salinity: 20ppt Ammonia: Dr Tims Bacteria: Dr Tims one and Only Rocks: Carib sea Life rock...
  18. BreezyMM

    Bean animal trickle pipe height question

    I just configured this overview and I basically had to put the water level in my overflow box extremely close to the tank water level in order to prevent all of the noise from the water falling into the overflow. Also my emergency pipe has about 1/8 " clearance from the water line. Does this...
  19. Reefing_addiction

    2 nems in a 16g biocube?

    Could I put two in my tank?
  20. Carebearsss.x

    Alkalinity REALLY high

    Hello! We just checked the parameters on our tank and the alkalinity is extremely high! The DKH is at 14 While looking online, my boyfriend and I seen that you can dose vinegar into your tank to lower your alk? Is this a good idea? If so, how much do I add? Pls help :) I’m still trying to...
  21. Carebearsss.x

    75 Gallon Tank. Any Suggestions?

    hellloooo everybody! im looking to buy some lighting for my 75 gallon tank! which brand would you recommend I should get?