queen angelfish

  1. My600GallonLife

    Lympho or Ick? Or worms?? Please help

    2 of my angelfish have been having these white things on them. Both cases are different, I posted videos of both fishes to see if anyone can help me what is going on with them. Please look carefully, on the emperor you can see how long those white things are, they move with the water. They are...
  2. Singspot

    New Jersey Livestock Trade Selling 6 inch almost-adult Queen Angel - been with my large group of fishes for 1 year - disease free and eats everything.

    Selling 6 inch almost-adult Queen Angel. He has been with my large group of fishes in my main/ display tank for over 1 year and never had any disease The queen eats pellets, frozen, nori and swims in open picking algae and critters from rocks all day. Very beautiful and fairly peaceful. It can...
  3. C

    Sick Queen Angelfish

    Just noticed some brown spots on the mouth area and gills; Fish appears happy. eating a lot. Does anyone have an ideas. Please see photos
  4. A

    Queen Angelfish Sick??

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and I would like to say first off thanks for your help in advance. I bought a queen angelfish (about 1.5"-2") from my LFS about 3 weeks ago. Since his arrival to my tank, he's been eating very well and swimming around happy as can be. Up until 3 days...