quarentine tank

  1. N

    Baby fish & quarantine or straight to new tank?

    So our LFS has a 1” yellow watchman goby, they infrequently have little fish and are the cleanest within a hour of us. We have a new (cycling) 45g tank, pink Fiji Caribsea sand. Should we quarantine him in a non cycled tank qt, or after we cycle can any new fish just “quarantine” in the big...
  2. D

    EMERGENCY Was treating with Mypo Now my Dottybacks eyes have gone Big!!! HELP!!!!

    Hello, I am in urgent need of help!!!!! I was treating my QT Tank with Hypo Salinity at 1.09 Salinity to treat what I believe was/is Gill flukes on my orchid dottyback fish that was flashing a lot!! , I had an ATO on and was at about 28 Days at 1.09 Salinity and I noticed my Orchid dottyback...
  3. Jeremy_d

    How long do you quarantine coral and fish

    The title says it all. How long do you quarantine or do you quarantine at all? For fish I like to do a freshwater dip and use safety stop fish dip and then quarantine in a QT tank for observation for 2 months and to get them used to the diet they will be provided in the display. For corals i...
  4. Jeremy_d

    Picked up a pair of premier black snowflake clowns today

    Got this beautiful pair today. They are about one inch long and don’t have any early signs of sickness and have already eaten. They will be in this QT tank for 2 months to grow a little bit and to make sure they are healthy. QT Tank: 5 gallon Sicce micron internal filter running chemipure blue...
  5. phillipsjo21

    Strip Tests vs Liquid Drop Test

    Need some opinions/advice. My LFS that carry saltwater fish is Petco. Other nearest stores are minimum an hour away. I've had a nano AIO running for over a year now and the current fish in there came from my local Petco. I quarentined them first and they are still alive and well today. I set up...