quarantine fallow

  1. W

    How to treat, quarantine and start a fallow period

    After a hard learned lesson I’m hoping this thread not only helps me but hopefully helps anyone else who may end up in this situation or help others avoid making the same mistakes. Never think you can be the exception and that it won’t happen to you if you skip the proper and NECESSARY steps and...
  2. K

    Fallowing Live Rock

    In our previous tank we picked up Ich and Velvet from not quarantining our fish. After losing half of the fish and having to rush together 3 proper hospital tanks for corals/fish/inverts we vowed to do anything we can to avoid that in the future! Now 9mo into the current tank setup (90gal) and...
  3. M

    Ich still present after 80 days fallow...

    Hello all, I have a 280 gal DT with a 60 gal sump. I have a velvet outbreak lost some fish. I have setup a QT's purchase new fish and qt them with 30 days copper and prazi treatment. The DT was fallow for 89 days. So i assumed that the parasite have died/starve due to no fish being present...
  4. Sakosreef

    Soft Coral Qt Question

    Hi everyone, I have a frag rack running where I qt corals, new coral always comes in and out of that tank. I have a few mushrooms in a little plastic bin floating in the frag without a base, they're just attached to the bin. Would I have to qt corals that don't have a hard base like rock or and...
  5. jackalexander

    Fallow Because Marine Velvet

    Marine velvet took out 5 of my clowns and a powder brown which was very very upsetting.. I have a pair of diamond gobies that haven’t shown any signs of any disease but I was told that they are asymptotic and I should go fallow for 6 weeks and QT the gobies. My question is; do I need to medicate...
  6. new2reefing123

    Hospital tank questions.

    Forst time with ich. Please let me know if I should do anything besides what I am doing. Removed all fish from DT to a 40g hospital tank. Added a hob filter with filter floss only(no carbon media), added a sponge filter and air pump to increase O2, added some PVC and other areas for fish to...
  7. Kyle Rinker

    TTM questions

    For all of you TTM proponents... It finally happened to me. I have a major ich infestation in my display. So far only my blue tang and sailfin have visible symptoms. Because it is a fully operating reef, I feel my only method of treatment will be removing the fish.I feel that tank transfer...
  8. H

    Sterlise DT With RODI

    Hi All from across the pond, I had a rather severe outbreak of ich/velvet which wiped 80% of my fish, the rest are currently in QT being treated with copper and are all doing really well thankfully. This takes me onto the fallow period, the norm is 72 days as noted by 98% of the reefing...
  9. Dr RBG

    Quarantine tank question

    I set up a quarantine tank (20 Long) with no sand or rock. It has a hang on filter with some carbon in a small bag. When not using the tank what do you do to keep it ready so if I buy some fish on impulse it will be ready to go, Can you cover it to prevent evaporation? Do you need to keep...
  10. Jimmyneptune

    Permanent Quarantine

    Like the name says -Permanent Quarantine does any one have a set up that they leave up 365 days a year to QT fish? could you just have a system set up with live rock, skimmer, heater, pumps, sump, and treat the tank, with prazi or copper or hypo, if a fish does get a disease while in the QT...
  11. Meers

    Large quarantine

    The world is divided into 2 groups of people, those that do quarantine and those that will do quarantine. I am about to cross that line, but first need to clear my main display from whatever diseases are present there. I believe I should leave the MDT free from fish for 72 days (I guess crabs...