
  1. A

    Go Fallow or QT and Medicate infected fi

    So in the 10 years I’ve been in this hobby, I’m unfortunately setting up my first QT tank. I’ve been battling ich and possibly flukes on some, not all of my fish. I’ve done FW dips on those few that seem infected but the relief only lasts so long. Seems like I’m chasing my own tail with it...
  2. mikeytrw

    QTing McCoskers Wrasse and Yellow Watchman Goby together

    Hello, I'd like to purchase a small (1.5 inch) Yellow Watchman and McCoskers Flsaher Wrass from my LFS, but I need to check my QT strategy. I have Copper Power, Prazipro and Reef Medic on hand. I've read that Wrasse in particular are sensitive to meds. I had planned to do a standard 30...
  3. B

    Old quarantine tank

    I have a tank that was used with copper treatment. Is it possible to clean it out and reuse the glass aquarium and heater for a betta fish? thank you!
  4. N

    Quarantine Cheato ?

    Hi Everyone. There is a thread on this same topic but it dates back to 2015 so I thought I would revive the discussion. A trusted reefer in my city generously gave me a handful of cheato. I say he's a trusted reefer because he's been in the hobby for long and has a well established and...
  5. EakTheFreak

    White stringy poop?? Please Advise!!

    Good Evening, I added these Freshwater black Molly’s and drip acclimated to my QT tank with my 3 Blue STAR LEOPARD wrasse to use them as canary fish to identify ich or other diseases. It was the easiest way for me to not use copper on the wrasses. Everything is good and they are eating but I...
  6. Sakosreef

    Evaluate my stocking list (180 gallon reef)

    Hi everyone, I’m setting up my 180 gallon reef tank very soon and I’m putting a lot of planning into my stocking list. I know the naso tang is gonna be too big for my tank at a point but I have plans for a 300+ gallon reef within the next couple of years. My friend is rehoming the naso and it’s...