
  1. jibson

    EMERGENCY What's wrong with my Pyramid butterflyfish?

    So I've had this pyramid for about 2 months, arrived to be in bad shape - treated for flukes, standard QT and all was well. Last few days I noticed a strange wart on him and some discolouring (dark coloured - reminds me of lymph but as it's not white-ish I'm not sure) This could just all be...
  2. J

    Pyramid Butterfly Fish

    Hello, My Pyramid Butterfly Fish (PBF) just finished QT and was in the DT for about 1.5 weeks now. I started noticing it developing white marks on the fins, almost clump like. Which I thought it maybe lympho. Kept monitoring for a few days, then the white lumps made its way to the eyes, now the...
  3. 2

    Pyramid Butterflyfish Flukes?

    I have a 30 Gallon QT tank up and running with 5 fish. Yellow Eye Kole Tang, x2 False Percula Clownfish, Pyramid Butterflyfish, and a Black Molly. All of these fish except for the molly have been in QT for slightly over one month. The tank is currently running with 2.5PPM+ of copper power...
GHL Advanced Technology