
  1. Isaac_Tang

    Purple Tang Blue Tang Powder Brown Tang

    Hey guys, so I have 2 tangs currently, 1 purple and 1 blue, I’ve had them in the tank for maybe little over 3 or 4 months. My LFS has a Powder Brown Tang and I’ve been eyeing him for about a few weeks now but I was worried about tang aggression, my blue and purple get along great but I’ve...
  2. OcellarisClown

    EMERGENCY Any reefers in OC willing to take in my purple tang for a week in their quarantine system?

    My quarantine system is full and my purple tang is terrorizing the new incoming fish. I didn’t expect to get more fish so I added the tang last as per protocol. I’m looking for someone in Orange County to take in my purple tang for a week in order for the new fish to get established before...
  3. J

    Purple Tang Emergency!

    So I bought my purple tang from a person selling their whole saltwater setup. After the relocation, I put my purple tang in quarantine. He started to develop ich so I dosed the tank with cupormine. He has been in quarantine for 4 weeks now and I noticed him not looking so hot. He is twitching...