
  1. Reef and Dive

    Lets make an LED tanks par database with builds?

    Par database with tank builds, specially acropora-dominant, under LED lights Hi folks, I believe this is a REALLY cloudy topic. Most of @Dana Riddle ’s amazing articles have shown that 250-350 PAR is pretty adequate for most Acropora. On the other hand we have seen many extreme PAR (800ish)...
  2. Beats001

    Orphek atlantic v2.1 b Any users? Recommended intensity etc

    Hi all, I purchased a 2nd hand Orphek Atlantic v2.1 b fixture, I am experimenting a bit with the intensity of the 4 channels. When I Google for information on what other people are running at, I have found little information, so trying to get a thread going here specifically for this light. I...
  3. DansReef.co.uk

    PAR / PUR / Spectrum etc ...

    How many of us truly understand the importance of these measurements within lighting and our reef tanks? I produced a video 'hoping' to help those who dont quite understand it! - Hope you enjoy it :)
  4. jason2459

    ROUND 2! PAR Shootout! Seneye Reef Monitor v2 VS. Apex PMK vs. Apogee MQ-510 Full

    So.... Round 2 has started! Skip to it here: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/par-shootout-seneye-reef-monitor-v2-vs-apogee-mq-510-full-spectrum-underwater-quantum-meter.292681/page-3#post-3612209 Original Round 1 continue on below: Background: I bought this Seneye Reef Monitor off...
Reef Diaper