I have had my little 30 gallon cube running for about 4 years. Nitrates are near zero and salinity is 1.026.
I put this little spotted Toby in about 3 weeks ago, along with a bicolor blenny. No other inhabitants.
He looked great when I picked him up; round and colorful. I've been feeding him...
Hello, I read through all the previous threads I could find on this topic and I'm wondering if there is any more specific advice for my freshwater Puffer.
I noticed quite a bit of bloating about 2 days ago, decided to give it time and keep watch. It's bloated more on the left side of his...
This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Houston, TX - 20" Mappa Puffer (Arothron mappa) map pufferfish. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread.
Please add to the discussion here.
I have a 100 gallon FOWLR and recently added a small Hawaiian Spotted Puffer. Within 24 hours of his addition, I noticed a good chunk was missing from my juvenile yellow tang’s dorsal fin. The yellow tang was not thrilled about the puffer being added to the tank and was harassing it so I’m...
recently got a blue spotted puffer(Canthigaster solandr,i think) (, no sign of ich when i got him (12/23) until today 12/28.
from what i know/read puffer dont do well with copper but I might take that risk unless i can get some more opinions/help.
I believe he got ich from stress? i know puffer...
I am looking at stocking my tank I currently have a Lunare Wrasse/Moon Wrasse and a Long Spine Puffer.
I am looking at getting a snowflake eel, clown trigger, and a miniatus grouper to go with the wrasse and puffer.
Are these fish able to be housed together or are there any recommended fish to...