
  1. E

    AI Prime 16 HD : chip not working anymore

    Hey, so i think i get caught, i ve buy a second hand AI Prime 16HD the other day. Everything worked fine for... 1 week. Then suddenly it began to mess with wifi, i'd come back home and see the LED working at 100% with a deep smell of burnt plastic. I reseted once, then it eventually worked again...
  2. Z

    What’s wrong with my hammerhead? It’s turning black.

  3. Scaggs1117

    Too many bubbles in protein skimmer

    I have a bubble magus qq1 that’s brand new. I’m aware it needs to break in but when I run it, there’s way too many bubbles. They go to the top of the cup and fill it up and also leak out a ton of micro bubbles. Am I doing something wrong with the priming? I thought when it breaks in there is...
  4. T

    Mysterious deaths

    Every fish I add the last 3 weeks mysteriously dies. There’s no signs of parasite or disease on the fish at the time of death. So I had an orange shoulder tang and all of a sudden he has a deep slash on him and he was found breathing heavy in the corner, sadly died hours later. I had him for 2...
  5. trevorhiller

    Hanna Marine Magnesium Checker HI783 Problems/Issues

    There are several threads accumulating on the forums of people having issues w/new marine magnesium checker HI783. There are also some similar reports on the AskBRS facebook page--results several hundred points higher. I wanted to start a thread here in Hanna Instruments sub-forum to give Hanna...
  6. Pure Fishigan

    BRS Carbon Reactor Not Opening? Tips?

    Hey R2R I recently bought a Deluxe Reactor from BRS and for some strange reason it won't open, I was wondering if anyone here had any tips to get it open without breaking it lol, I kinda made a mess attempting to get it open
  7. J


    I have a clown wrasse that managed to flip over my acanthophyllias, scolys, and any coral on my substrate- flips them upside down constantly. I recently glued them down to frag plates and buried the plates in the sandbed, so it’s harder for him to flip em now, but somehow he still does and he’s...
  8. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Live Aquaria's terrible customer service.

    I made a mistake in purchasing a checkerboard/marble wrasse and wanted to cancel it an hour or 2 after purchasing at around 10:30pm last night. I sent them a message stating this and this is the response I woke up to on my birthday.So... Basically the order didn't ship at the time of this...
  9. Twillyg21

    “And Bingo...Dino DNA!” How did you beat them? Real experiences only

    Alright, hopefully the video provided a bit of a light-hearted intro to a not-so-light-hearted topic of discussion....Dinoflagellates!! I know this topic has been beaten to death, however since I gather that it is probably the #1 discouragement and source of abuse for those unlucky souls who...
  10. V

    EMERGENCY Anthia

    Help! We have one anthia who has been in a QT tank since we got her, she’s due to go into the display tank tomorrow. Last night these areas on her fins showed up. At first I thought maybe ich, but the more I look at her the more I think it may be something else. It’s on both pectoral fins...
  11. V

    Nitrate problems despite everything I've tried.

    My aquarium nitrates increase despite everything I am doing. I have a 20 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump filled with biomedia, 5 gallon bucket filled with pumice with water going through at 50 Gph, 200ml purigen, carbon, 15 oz. Cobalt total nitrate, fluidized sand bed filter v2 bio600f...
  12. E

    What type of algae is this?

    I have been using vibrant for about 4 weeks now, it honestly doesn’t seem like it is doing anything, this algae is spreading at an alarming rate and I can not get rid of it, what type of algae might this be? And also does vibrant actually work or is it a gimmick? I use RO/DI water so that’s not...
  13. Meara

    UV Sterilizer

    Hello everybody; I’m looking for information about UV Sterilizers. I have recently gone through a ich nightmare, (I am in Canada and there is limited medication available it was truly brutal) and I am looking for things that may help me avoid this going forward. I was wondering if anyone has...
  14. M

    BIG heater problem

    I was just cleaning my tank and I forgot to unplug my heater so when the water level went below the heater it started to steam the heater looks fine now but it melted the suction cups. Also the cotton on the bottom of the heater doesn’t look Bunt what should I do buy a new one or do you guys...
  15. Plzpizza

    Reefwave 25 reverse flow switch broken!

    So I bought the reefwave a month ago and now am experiencing problems with it suddenly stopping completely when it alternate to reverse flow. I had it on forwards 10% and reverse 20% and it was working normally then out of the blue it stops whenever it switches to reverse. I tried setting a...
  16. AuggieReefer

    Problem with EcoTech Radion XR15 Pro G5

    Hi All, Purchased a Ecotech Radion XR15 Pro Gen 5 three days ago as I was attracted not only to the light but also to the idea that I could set a lighting schedule and not have to worry about manually switching on and off lights anymore. Unfortunately my satisfaction was short lived after I...
  17. JasonG123

    Issue with Torch Coral

    Hey, I too over my buddies tank a few months back, he had it for 2 years prior. I put the Torch in about a 5 weeks ago, it was doing great and then one day the polyps receded. It has been almost two weeks. At one point the polyps puffed up and then began to extend but today they receded again...
  18. L

    Sps coral stressed

    someone know what Type of stress is this This are my levels Po: .06 Nitrates: 10 Kh: 5.9 yesterday in the morning i found the selenoid of my calcium reactor turned off so today i will test Again Calcium 404 also yesterday i increase my light in 5 % I dont know if this issue was for turn on...
  19. nightmarepl

    Hammer coral issues or not? Need advice

    Hey guys, my hammer been acting up alittle weird last few days through our he months i noticed the stem “ hard part “ look like it’s fading away or getting chewed? The heads on top went from 2 to about 6 in about 8 months now perimeters are pretty good no issues i also noticed the heads on top...
  20. Jeremy Chatham

    ReefBot Reef Kinetics Issues Post them Here

    If you are having trouble with your ReefBot, lets discuss them here. Lets find out if we are all having the same issues. I am currently experiencing the following issues with my new reefbot. 1.RoDi and waste container volumes are not calibrated correctly. 2.Result Values are not accurate...
  21. MnFish1

    Whats with my Tusk? Suggestions?

    So I know the answer - but since its common to post a picture and just say 'whats happening?' I thought I would try this out. For those of you in medicine - what's your differential diagnosis/. for those of you not in medicine - just ask any questions you like. FWIW - All corals are fine...
  22. nightmarepl

    What is this weird pink blob on my rocks and coral

    hey guys I’ve been having a few issues with my tank these last few weeks I’ve noticed i have some weird pink blob on my rocks here and there mostly every rock has atleast one now i noticed it on my hammer head corals stems i have some pictures of i poked out with my tweezers but they basically...
  23. Seth Francis

    Veggie Clip is a Vicious Monster.

    Okay, I’m madly confused. I have had a coral beauty in my tank for a while now, and she does a wonderful job of picking bits of algae off of the rocks ALLL DAY. I recently added a Tomini Tang in after a couple of weeks in QT. I’ve never been able to get the CB to eat off of a veggie clip, no...
  24. davejep

    Icecap Digital Refractometer issue

    So after watching the video and finding that my local store had some in stock, I decided to pull the plug and grab one. I have an issue with the reading I am getting. I have three different refractometers that I have collected over the years. All three have been calibrated using standard...
  25. Jeremy K.A.

    Low Salinity Help

    Hey reefers, my 10 gallon tanks salinity is at 1.021, I'd like it around 1.025 or 1.026. How can I raise it safely? Right now it looks like it needs to be topped off with.. maybe half a gallon or 1 gallon at the most
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