
  1. DieHardPhotog-Reefer

    Probiotic Marine Formula... has it changed colors?

    Does anyone else use the Probiotic Marine Formula? I've bought the last two bottles from Drs Foster & Smith. For the last 8-10 months, when it was dosed into our tank, the liquid was a deep blue toned color but upon opening my most recent bottle it surprised me when I poured, it came out...
  2. DiZASTiX

    Build Thread DiZASTiX - A Tank for the Road

    My name is Spike. This is the story of reef keeping with a jet setter lifestyle. EPISODE I: The story begins with keeping a reef while traveling heavily, and leaning on an enthusiastic partner and plenty of technology to ensure operation while I'm away three days every week. EPISODE II: My...
  3. D

    HELP! Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt Cloudy?

    I wanted to try something different than Reef Crystals for a new build. I chose the Aquaforest Probiotic Reef salt based on generally positive reviews on BRS. When mixed according to on the box instruction, the end result was somewhat cloudy. I continued to mix with no change in results over...
  4. G

    Probitic reef salt and Dino.

    I've been using AquaForest reed salt for a while I decided try their probiotic. When I first started using it I immediately noticed a cyano outbreak. I got that under control pretty quick but my sand bed and rock just looked.....dirtier than usual. Last night I didn't a water change and then...
Ecotech Marine