pro star

  1. Jynxgirl

    ProStar Filter sock - 3.75"

    I am looking on the prostar website. I had previous bought an extra set. My neighbors 100lb puppy walked off and chewed up a set I had just cleaned and put on my back porch. I can not find them on the website anymore. Anyone have a link to the heavy thick felt ones? They clog fast, but I...
  2. kennedysherman

    Build Thread Kennedy’s 90 Gallon Build

    90 Gallon Pro-Star Rimless AIO Set-Up. Red Sea ReefLED 90w Lights. Reef-Power RP-M Power Heads. Marine DC Pump DCQ-6000. Delivery Date: 12/20/21 Live Rock Arrives: 12/15/21 Final adjustments made to our rockscape: 12/24/21 First rock goes in: 12/25/21 Unfortunately we couldn't get the...
  3. kennedysherman

    Fluctuating Water Level in Sock Chamber. Suggestions?

    I have a 90 gallon Pro Star AIO that we filled up for the first time earlier this week. We cannot get the water level in the filter sock chamber to stay at a consistent level. We've tried dialing up/down the water flow as well as manipulating the level of the return pump and the water is still...
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish