prime 16 dh

  1. jtma4914

    Lighting LED Drygoods SOLD AI Prime 16HD Reef w/ mounting arm (Black) Will Ship<SOLD>

    Looking to sell my black Prime 16HD Reef along with the AI Prime LED tank mount for $185.00 plus shipping.
  2. radreef02

    Florida Lighting Drygoods AI Prime 16 w/ mount

    AI Prime 16 with Mount $190 picked up $215shipped used for 3 months and was brand new for my 75g I started a while back. I sold the other 2 Primes but kept one as backup, i no longer need the back up. in central florida . The item is BLACK , I will not sell without mount.
  3. K

    Hello No done button after setting up using my AI app.

    I downloaded the myAI app and paired the light and phone with the app. I also named the light. The video recommended easy set up. After using easy set up to adjust intensities and times there is supposed to be a "done" button to save the settings. The problem is that there is no done button...
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