price advice

  1. Herides

    Trying to get out of the hobby. I'm unsure of what to price my corals.

    Hello, Long and short of it is I'm not having fun in the hobby anymore and I would like to sell my livestock. I don't know how to price my corals so I've come here for aid. What follows is a series of pictures of my corals with a quarter coin blue tacked onto the glass to give a rough scale...
  2. W

    Blue Raven Blaso Pricing

    What should the price be per polyp for a blue raven? If in a colony, in the picture I'm showing a colony of 20, do you multiply the price per head × how many heads are in the colony? The center back colony is the one I am trying to get priced out, has 20 heads give or take a couple.

    Anemone price uk

    My anemone has split and ones taking too much room up…. 8-10 inch span….. how much would you let it go for? Thanks