
  1. B

    Prefered coral dip

    What coral dip do you use? Are you loyal to a certain brand? Use depending on situation? Don't use it at all? Let me know down below.
  2. S

    Preventing Dinos from taking over

    Hi Everyone, Hope everyone’s doing great. I want to understand how can one prevent Dino’s from taking over the tank eventually? Current I battled dinos in my 10 gallon and it wiped out all my corals. I am planning to switch to a 50g lagoon tank but kinda scared to make a move cuz I think I’ll...
  3. Meara

    Build Thread Take Two

    Hello I started my first saltwater tank last February, and everything seemed to be going well. It cycled nicely I had lovely fish I was just waiting to fix a small flow problem in my sump and upgrade my lights for coral. Then I got Ich. Now this is where you need to know that I live in Canada...
  4. P

    Quarantine Protocol

    Newbie here seeking input on Quarantine Protocol. I have a 20 gallon display tank and a separate 10 gallon quarantine tank. After what felt like a very LONG cycling period, we finally made our first marine fish purchase of two ocellaris clowns on Saturday, it was an exciting day for my family...