prepared food

  1. Perpetual Novice

    How do I keep a tamarin wrasse successfully?

    So I jumped the gun on this one, I’ll admit. I just purchased a black back/china wrasse from my lfs and now I’m playing catch up. Not an excuse but I’ve never seen any store have one of these in stock before. Let alone a 5 inch specimen like I brought home. And it was only $45 so I really...
  2. MSB123

    Is this rare? If so, How rare is it?

    I recently (Tuesday) received an about 4-5" volitan lionfish. He is in my 45 gallon QT tank right now, and I have a feeder fish (freshwater molly) that had somehow survived my last batch of fish and was living in the QT tank. The lionfish ate the molly on the first day I had him, and then today...