
  1. CincyReefer07

    Which of these should be removed during Prazi-Pro?

    Last time I did prazi-pro during QT for my magnificent foxface, I think I may have went about it wrong. Just looking for solid clarification of items from my 60 breeder QT tank need to be removed during prazi or can stay. Last time I removed EVERYTHING from my hob filter and let dosed the prazi...
  2. CincyReefer07

    Prazi or Copper First for New Fish QT? Does it matter?

    I’ve read quarantine procedures, this is my first time quarantining any new fish. I have a 60 breeder with a couple powerheads, heater, and marineland hob filter for QT. Im picking up a Magnificent Foxface tomorrow and am setting my QT up tonight. My LFS recommended starting with...
  3. WTJReef

    QT Question: Repeat Prazi dose or move on to Copper

    Hey Everyone, I have a reasonably sized QT system that I have housed 2 small tangs and a Flame hawkfish in for approximately 3 weeks now. I have observed the fish for 1 week ensuring they are all eating well (which they are) and for any obvious signs of disease. I then dose the tank with...
  4. A

    White spots on Tomini Tang

    I've got a very shy Tomini Tang who is hard to get to hold still long enough to take pictures of but hopefully these are good enough. On the fish's left side near its dorsal fin are a couple of white spots. Could someone help me to determine what this might be and if what I'm doing is...
  5. Trueruby


    Hi Everybody, I actually posted here that my corals were loosing colour after prazi treatment. after couple days, my xenias and zoas are vanished. Polyp corals about to vanish too. Many of them...
  6. VanCityReef

    Can you mix copper and prazi?? Clownfish & 6-Line

    Hey guys, I'm currently quarantining two small clownfish and one small 6-line wrasse. Over the course of a week I have slowly been bringing them up to therapeutic levels of copper. I am noticing that both clowns have white stringy poop which, (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) are symptoms...
  7. Sakosreef

    Transitioning into Ich prevention from ich management

    Hello everyone, I really need your help. I started a 55 gallon reef 2 years ago, never quarantined anything and practiced ich management and a lot of "dump any pray", fast forwarding a year and a half i upgraded to a 75 gallon reef, couple months later I got a 180 which is my current tank. Im...
  8. Nicksfish

    Worms that survived copper and prazi?

    Hi everyone, I’m having trouble with a fluke like worm that has survived 30 days of cupramine at 0.5 as well as 3 weeks of prazi at double the dose every 4 days, as the first go round didn’t eliminate them. I removed all medicine 3 days ago and saw them flashing again today. Did a freshwater...