
  1. 1mbrews8

    Impossible to kill this anemone!

    Well I guess I could break it, but still won’t die like all my other coral likes to do LOL just got in the pottery a few months ago so figured I would post here too and share a recent one that I did :-) Turned out pretty good I think! Thanks for checking it out!
  2. 1mbrews8

    What have I been up to??

    Yer another hobby lol here are a few done ones... But still some reef art in there for y’all!
  3. Valkyrie


    I have live sand in all 3 DTs. I need to provide some "variety" for a few fish and so I've gotten some fine sand that is for SW and made a few piles of it. They like it. But I would like to add 2 other things but I'm not sure if it's ok. 1. I bought a canister of shell pieces. It appears to be...
Biota Marine Life