possum wrasse

  1. Pedro Padovan

    Possum Wrasse eat flake food?

    Hello, guys! How are you? I recently got a Possum Wrasse and he is only eating mysis shrimp. I’m trying to make him accept flakes fish food, but he doesn’t swallow, he chews and spit. Should I keep trying? Should I try another fish food? I’m using New Spectrum Life Optimum Flakes. I would be...
  2. Fishrocker1

    EMERGENCY Possum Wrasse Turning White and not Eating

    Hey guys, I’ve had a possum wrasse in qt for about a week now. The little guy ate well the first day i got him taking mysis. I’ve been dosing Seachem ParaGuard as a precautionary measure as I do with all new fish. However, he’s stopped eating and has slowly lost his red color turning white. He...
  3. H

    Tanaka Pygmy Wrasse + 2 Mandarin Dragonet!

    Who has experience and would be open to share about a tank rehoming multiple dragonets and a possum wrasse! Or multiple species competing for same food source (pods)? Context: Innovative Marine Peninsula 14 Gal I brought home 2 wild mandarins! Was able to get them to eat live + frozen brine...
  4. C

    Dumb Coral Question

    Good afternoon, •Knowing that unique color/shape variants in corals means higher price, does it also mean higher/modified care requirements when compared to their more readily available “strains”¿¿ I’m building my nano (~25 gallons) around the needs and requirements of a possum wrasse since it...
  5. N

    Food for possum wrasse

    Just wondering if there is any frozen food out there sized in between baby brine shrimp and mysis? The possum wrasse is still a juvenile and does go after mysis with vigor, but it usually spits out around half. I think the mysis might be a little too big, it also seems to go after bbs but i find...
  6. L

    How many wrasse possible in a 50 gallon

    How many wrasses are possible in a 50 gallon cube? The wrasses I’m looking at: Naokoe wrasse Social fairy wrasse Lubbock wrasse African exquisite wrasse Carpenter wrasse Lined flasher Yellow coris Irdris wrasse Earmuff wrasse Possum wrasse Leopard wrasse Which ones can go in a 50 gallon...
  7. N

    Would this be over stocked?

    Hi there, I have an Evo 13.5 set up and am getting around to stocking fish and having never run a nano before i’m wondering if this would be overstocked: Possum wrasse of some kind (wetmorella or Pseudocheilinops) Royal Gramma Tail Spot Blenny Thanks for your help!
  8. Muffin87

    Would the Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse / White Banded Possum Wrasse compete with a mandarin for pods?

    I'm sorta going mad trying to find fish I like that aren't gonna compete for pods with a mandarin. I realise any wrasse except for the fairy wrasses and their relatives will generally feed on pods, but would the Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse / White Banded Possum Wrasse specifically compete with a...
  9. lazycouch

    EMERGENCY is this ich??

    hey guys just took a look at my possum wrasse after doing a water change and notice he has a couple white specks on one side of his body. they’re 3 dimensional and i can’t tell if it’s ich or just dead skin/debris from the water change some how?? he’s active and always eating and both my...
  10. eggplantparrot

    Build Thread 14G Not a Cube (Lots'a Pics)

    Hello reefing peeps, i have been wanting to do a build thread since i started working on my 75, but that project is on hiatus for various reasons. i have however, got a 14G running to get my feet wet in reefing. Before getting the 14G, i took a spare 10G and started learning the ways of the...
  11. All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    Introduction My name is Hunter and I am a wrasse addict. Admitting such is the first step to buying another wrasse, I think. Wrasses are not only my passion, but my niche in this hobby since 2010. My tank is full of them, and unfortunately “regular” species are no longer exciting enough for...
First Choice