possible scam

  1. GothFishKeeper

    Refugium build decision for Fluval Evo 13.5

    A while ago I decided to make a refugium in one of the chambers on my Fluval Evo 13.5g, so I ordered a set of chamber inserts on Etsy. I ordered this specific one because it routes the flow through the entirety of each chamber as seen in the first pic, but I feel like I’m getting scammed at this...
  2. W

    Livemantisshrimp.com is it real?

    so I've stumbled upon this website called LiveMantisShrimp.com I am truly unable to find any information about it no matter where I look, it says its been around from 2013 but I somehow only recently discovered it? If anyone has any experience with the website and can tell me if its real or fake...