porcelain crab

  1. WheatToast

    What are the completely "reef-safe" crabs? Are they even a thing?

    The crabs I will be considering include the true crabs (Brachyura) and some "crabs" from Anomura, including hermit crabs (Paguroidea) and porcelain crabs (Porcellanidae). Horseshoe crabs (Limulidae) will be excluded. Over the years, I have heard mixed reports on how "reef-safe" crabs are in the...
  2. Cantusaurus

    Problems with Inverts

    Hi, I have a 32.5g Fluval reef tank. It has been up and running for a little over a year. I ironically had a lot of success with inverts during the first 6-9 months of my reef tank. I had a serpent star, Cleaner Shrimp, and Peppermint Shrimp. I had to rehome the Serpent Star since it was too big...
  3. C


    So I purchased my first bubble tip anemone and a porcelain crab from my lfs. drip acclimated for 2 hours before entering it into my display. It decided to set up camp behind the rock work so photos are hard but will attach below. today i noticed it was completely deflated and shriveled I quickly...
  4. El_Guapo13

    Porcelain Crab questions

    I just received a shipment today from @reefcleaners. Mainly to restock on some CUC in both my 10 gallon and 29 gallon. I decided this time to also get a Porcelain Crab. So I was just wondering if there is anything I should be aware of in terms of keeping them. Will it be fine with being fed...
  5. BloopFish

    Marbled Porcelain Crab

    Thought this would be interesting to some people. This porcelain crab used to be completely red, then it turned pale and now it is marbled with both coloration. No clue why it is like this, my other red porcelain crab never changed colors.
  6. BobbyBPG

    Anemone Only Tank Questions

    Hi I got a couple question about doing a nem only tank and figured this would be the best place to ask. I have a nano cube setup with multiple different corals and my Nem which had previously stayed on the rock in front of the tank for 4 months decided it no longer liked the flow there. So I...
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