
  1. vaguelyreeflike

    EMERGENCY Damselfish has Popeye

    One of our blue damsels at work has popeye. I treated with a drop of Lugol’s iodine directly onto the affected eye to help infection, it looks a bit better two days later. Just wondering what else I can use? im in canada so cant get my hands on maracyn or erythromycin unless chemiclean will...
  2. agame2021

    Lyrtail anthias popeye

    Is there anything I can do for this guy? His eye has just gotten worse. My LFS said he wouldn’t try and pop it because they are more sensitive fish… how would I go about helping him?
  3. patincanada

    Can I use human Amoxicillin for Popeye

    Can I treat my 350 gram shubunkin with my amoxicillin I have on Hand? He had popeye for at least a month. Im doing water changes every third day, using aquarium salt regularly. He's in a tank with his friend. 450 gram goldfish who has no sign of Popeye so it doesn't seem contagious. I'm afraid...
  4. ChuneReef

    Second Opinion Needed: Pop-eye on Firefish? Or 6 Line Wrasse attack...

    Hello everyone, When doing my daily maintenance on my tank today I noticed damage to my firefish's eye/surrounding tissue. Please see attached video. I've had her for 4-5 months now and she has always been amazingly healthy. While I've noticed the six-line be aggressive towards her in the...
  5. LabyrinthCorals

    Juveline Blue Tang Eye Issue

    Hey everyone, Overnight my juvenile blue tang seems to have either gotten a nasty infection/disease of some sort, or injured himself (or both). I did notice slight discoloration and redness near the eye last night but nothing like this. The outside of the eye seems to have peeled upwards...
  6. fachatga

    Is this pop eye?

    This is my new my new yellow head jawfish. Probably had this when I got it but in the store with my 3 little girls I didn’t notice. Is this pop eye? I bought some Maracyn and will get quarantine tank tomorrow to try to treat her. But I’d like some confirmation that’s what this is. It looks a...
  7. kels64

    EMERGENCY Mycobacterium? Something else?

    So I’ve had this fish for about a month and she has been a head down swimmer ever since I got her so we all know clown fish are weird and I didn’t think anything of it. Today I turned up the lights to do my weekly close check of everybody and see that she has some kind of lesion/tumor and also...
  8. X

    EMERGENCY Clownfish both eyes popped out

    My phantom clown has both eyes bulging. I dont see cloudiness but the eyes are black so its hard to tell. hes hanging near the back wall i dont think he can see. It was fine yesterday and all other fish are fine as well. I can get pictures soon but does anyone have ideas? Is it possible both...
  9. Smiley1221

    Emergency! Clownfish diagnosis!

    Ive had my first clownfish for just over a week now and the last couple days his tail was getting darker but when i woke up this morning i noticed he has pop eye in both his eyes and some of his skin is peeling. Please help me diagnose whats wrong and set up a plan for treatment. Any help is...
  10. Davar93

    EMERGENCY Are they sick?

    I have a clownfish has pop eye and the royal gramma seems be doing this weird thing against the wall. He also is not as purple as he was. All other fish seem fine, eating and Swimming healthy. Just did a water change today as well, all levels are fine as they should be. I’m pretty new to this...
  11. the.introvertebrate

    Flame Angel Puffy Eye and Flashing?

    Hi, My flame angel has a puffy left eye (also cloudy) and I often see him doing circles rubbing his side against the back glass in this very specific spot, he is eating well and isn't showing signs of weakness or fatigue so I am not sure what it could be. There was an issue with a yellow tang...
  12. CoralStop

    Yellow Tang with pop eye after rusted blade fell in aquarium

    Hey guys a rusty blade I used to cut zoas fell in my aquarium and my guess it was in there for 4 hours. My chalices and candy cane died and my blastos are closed. Everything else is fine, torches Goni zoa shrooms. My yellow tang did develop pop eye though it looks pretty bad. All other fish are...