pom pom crabs

  1. Lybia

    Build Thread Lybia sp. Breeding Journal

    10 gallon Aqueon tank with a 5 gallon drum cut to about 10.25" length to act as a kreisel, sealed with silicone cured for 48 hours. Two windows that are 120 micron nylon mesh of about 4" by 3". Adjustable submersible pump/filter hybrid connected with two feet of 1/2" inner diameter silicone...
  2. Moonfruit777

    Pompom crab male/female?

    Heyo, I got these awesome pompom/boxer crab. I wonder if it is a male or female crab - usually crabs have like a round or pointy shape on the belly but these seem kinda weird and I can't really tell. the shell pattern also seems to be different on them - idk if that is related to sex or just...
  3. BobbyBPG

    Anemone Only Tank Questions

    Hi I got a couple question about doing a nem only tank and figured this would be the best place to ask. I have a nano cube setup with multiple different corals and my Nem which had previously stayed on the rock in front of the tank for 4 months decided it no longer liked the flow there. So I...
Aquarium Specialty